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domingo, 11 de setembro de 2011

Rainha Elizabeth ( Inglês 3° Bim )

1 ° Assunto : Famous Queen of England and Scotland (1558-1603) born in Greenwich, during whose reign England met the economic boom and became the most powerful political, commercial and cultural life of Europe. Daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn's childhood studied languages, music and dance. In his youth, he found himself surrounded by palace intrigues and was accused of participating in the conspiracy of Lord Seymour during the reign of his half-brother Edward VI, and Sir Thomas Wyatt, in the reign of her Catholic half-sister Mary Tudor . Ascended the throne (1558), with the death of Mary and duly recognized as an heir, surrounded by good advisors, including William Cecil, later Lord Burghley. He opposed Philip II of Spain, who represented English impediment to expansion. The Statute of Supremacy and Uniformity (1559) officially restored Anglicanism and Protestantism finally released in England, but in 70 years developed persecutions against Catholics and Calvinist Protestants. After a long struggle for power (1561-1586), imprisoned and beheaded Mary Stuart, Queen of Scotland Catholic, his cousin and rival (1587). Developed trade and industry, providing a rebirth of the arts and a relaxation of morals. In his reign there were many poets and dramatists such as William Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe, Edmund Spencer. Despite their notorious links with several nobles, including Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, the Queen never married. At that time, England became known as merry old England, that is, happy and old England. The end of his reign was marked by political unrest and growing discontent with the royal authority. Moreover, the spread of Calvinism was endangering the unity of political and religious achieved so far by the Queen. Although the situation of the people remained poor, lacking attempts at rebellion and attacks on the life of the queen, was able to control the strength of the social order. Shortly before his death on March 24 in Richmond Palace, Surrey, recognized the son of Mary Stuart, James VI of Scotland as heir to the English throne.

2° Assunto : In the transition from medieval to modern is the process of centralization of political power, with the emergence of national monarchies, when the kings began to concentrate power in his hands. This process is well marked three times: a feudal stage, where the Kings play a more prominent among his vassals, the power of law making power in fact, a modern phase (between the XV and XVI), where the monarchs create their own institutions such as armies, laws and national currencies, a consolidation phase (between the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries), where the bureaucracy is at its peak, defining the modern concept of state.
In England in the mid-sixteenth century, the government of Queen Elizabeth, represents the acme of absolutism. The consolidation of an absolute monarchy, centralized, was an important element for the country's remarkable economic development in the seventeenth century. For this, the governments of Henry XVIII and his daughter Elizabeth I, were decisive, because unified the country, dominated the nobility, away from the interference of papal power, created the English national church, confiscated the lands of the Catholic Church and success in dispute with the Spanish colonial domains.

3° Assunto : Under her reign England became the most powerful economic, political and cultural life of Europe and therefore the period of his reign known as the "Golden Age" English. Assuming the throne upon the death of his sister Mary I, Elizabeth I began the most prosperous dynasty Thudor government.

Born on September 7, 1533 in Greenwich, daughter of Anne Boleyn and Henry VIII (king of the six wives), Elizabeth I was known as "Elizabeth, The Virgin Queen" never having been married and have not left despite his heirs famous affair with the Earl of Leicester, Robert Dudley. So when the time of his death on March 24, 1603, Elizabeth had to acknowledge as heir to the throne, James VI of Scotland, son of Mary Stuart, her cousin and rival the deposed Queen of Scots, whom Elizabeth had sent decapitate 16 years before.

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